Unlike peer-to-peer computer networks that operate without central control and are difficult to secure, a server based network offers centralized control and is designed for secured operations. While there are still both clients and servers on a server-based network, a dedicated server controls the network.
Server Based Computer Network |
A dedicated server is one that, for all practical purposes, operates solely as a server. A dedicated server on a server-based network services its network clients by storing data, applications, and other resources, and then providing access to those resources when called for by a client. When a client requests a resource such as a document, the server sends the whole resource (the document) over the network to the client, where it is processed and later returned to the server for continued storage.
Dedicated servers can also control the entire network’s security from one central location or share that control with other specially configured servers. This central network control also contributes to the economies and makes the server-based network the dominant networking model used in networks today.