As premium AMD processor, the Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition sets a new bar for PC performance. With six cores and a blazing 3.2 GHz clock speed, the processor is designed to handle all of the latest and most demanding software. It also features an unlocked multiplier that gives you the option of overclocking the chip for faster performance. Compatible with motherboards with an AM2+ or AM3 socket, the 1090T is an ideal processor for enthusiasts who value flexibility and performance.
With the Phenom II X6 series, AMD has made the power of six-core processing available to budget-conscious consumers. Engineers have combined six cores into a single processor, giving you enough processing muscle for even the most highly threaded applications. Each core is equipped with 512K L2 cache, and all six cores share 6MB L3 smart cache between them. AMD has also included an ultra-wide, 4000MT/s bandwidth enough to support all six cores effectively.
For users, this means that you'll be able to run all the latest software without the slowdown you'd experience with an inferior processor. Your computer will be able to handle multiple programs at once, and high-definition media players and video editors will run smoothly and efficiently. You'll also be able to enjoy next-gen games without any frame-rate hiccups.
If you're an enthusiast looking to push the limits of PC performance, the Phenom II X6-1090T makes it easier than ever to overclock your system. The unlocked multiplier allows you to manually increase the chip's frequency far beyond its stock values. You can achieve the best results by combining your processor with a reliable motherboard, high-performance SDRAM, and an effective cooling system. With the right combination, you'll be able to overclock your chip to unprecedented speeds.
The Phenom II X6
AMD processor series also comes equipped with Turbo Core technology, which actively optimizes the chip's performance to match your workload. If three or fewer cores are in use, the processor will redirect voltage to the active cores and overclock them by up to 500 MHz. With Turbo Core activated, you'll be able to blaze through all applications--even ones that don't make use of multiple cores.
PC gaming continues to improve at a breakneck rate, with graphics, physics, and AI growing more realistic each year. But you'll need more than just a good graphics card to keep up with the latest games. For certain games that are heavily threaded, a slow CPU can quickly become a bottleneck for performance and can ruin your gaming experience.
Fortunately, the Phenom II X6 series has been specifically designed to handle CPU-intensive games. With its multiple cores, the
processor can manage thousands of high-speed gaming calculations at once. The result is a smooth, immersive gaming experience, free of any stuttering or latency.
AMD products are known for their stellar energy efficiency and the Phenom II X 6 1090T is no exception. The processor features AMD's proprietary PowerNow and CoolCare technology, which allow the processor to smartly regulate its own energy consumption. Having an energy-efficient computer doesn't just help keep costs down; it also generates less heat and helps your computer to run more quietly. It will even prolong your processor's life cycle, so you can enjoy it for years without having to worry about degradation.
The AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Six-Core Processor is backed by a three-year warranty.
Product Features :
- Operating Frequency: 3.2GHz/3.6GHz Turbo Core
User Reviews :
- By : Peeved Kitten. This processor is really nice. I moved from an Athlon X2 2200 to this chip and the new 890 chipset. This thing screams! I run Folding@home 24/7, this processor has no issues with running multiple apps and processes. I play bfbc2 while encoding music and movies without a stutter 100fps+. This thing is energy efficient and cool. The Black edition with an unlocked multiplier is the way to go! Super easy to OC! Once you go Black (edition!)you won't go back! I have mine currently overclocked and stable @4ghz, running a vcore of 1.356 and a CPU-NB of 1.22 at 2600 mhz with an HT of 1800. Using an all in one ECO ALC water cooling system I am stable with a maximum 100% temp of 41 c. Once I get a larger power supply and better ram I intend to 24/7 OC this to 4.2-4.3 ghz. Having built out a few hundred machines I can honestly say, I like this processor. It's cheap, fast, and has AMZING OC potential. I Highly recommend this product.
- By : Dennis B ( Toronto Canada ) Just bought one of these and have had the system running about a week. This CPU is something to get excited about, when you consider the price. Overclocked to 3.8 GHZ without breaking a sweat and without much difficulty I'm sure could push further. I have mine paired on an 890gx motherboard, 8gb ddr3 and a Corsair H50 Water Cooler - CPU doesnt break at sweat no matter what you throw at it. Running stress tests you can crank 4 cores up to 100 percent and still surf the web / listen to tunes / generally use your computer and you would never know its even performing a task. This thing is a tank for sure, couldn't be happier. Way to go AMD.